Benefits of Corporate Blogs & K-Logs
Blogs have attracted a lot of attention lately and seem to be a new trend in Web. Yes, blogs enable users to collaborate and exchange ideas on an informal basis. Yes, it is easy to use and cost-effective. However, I have wondered if blogging can benefit employees and corporations.So my Question is...
How can a corporation benefit from employee and employer blogging?
To answer this question, I would like to explore the benefits for both the employer and employees…Employer Benefits: “Blogs…”
- Encourage collaboration from corporate management down to the employees
- Build a social network within the company to communicate ideas and receive/provide feedback
- Stimulate thought-leadership
Employee Benefits: “Blogs…”
- Provide a “bottom-up” structure which motivates employees to share and communicate their ideas in an informal space that is comfortable
- Give employees ownership of their thoughts and in some cases pride
- Illustrate a willingness to learn
- Are very easy to use
Although an internal blog has several benefits, we must keep in mind that a “blog policy” must be put in place to help manage the information that is shared throughout the network. In another blog, I will research the components of a blog policy, but let’s assume for the sake of argument that an adequate blog policy is put in place.
Now that we have established the benefits of blogging, we need to explore the benefits of an internal (and sometimes external) corporate blog. However, I believe an internal blog is most beneficial from the employee standpoint to initiate both thought leadership and ownership.
Benefits of an Internal Blog:
- Very easy to use (just like sending an email)
- Cost-effective
- Can use different blogs for different departments in a corporation
- Includes vital information for ALL employees including:
- Upcoming projects and timelines
- Brainstorming of business strategies
- Feedback of current and proposed strategies
- News about the corporation and each department
- Includes thoughts from the CEO, or a link to the CEO's Blog
- Upcoming projects and timelines
In addition, to a traditional blog that can be used, I have come across a new form of a blog called “K-Log,” which is a Knowledge Management Blog. The K-Log further encourages both the teaching and sharing of knowledge. Although I am not an expert, I will still include the benefits of a K-Log.
Benefits of a K-Log:
- User interfaces:
- Email System (post emails to blog)
- Desktop Media (post files/objects/images to blog)
- Bookmarks (post links to blog)
- Email System (post emails to blog)
- Manage information through RSS feeds
- Archive and capture important information and knowledge in the intranet
- Once again, stimulate thought-leadership and ownership
Below are links that offer additional information regarding Corporate Blogging:
- Traction Software
- iUpload
- Case Study: European Pharmaceutical Group
- Establishing a Blog on Your Organization’s Intranet
- Internal Blogs – Are They So Different from External Blogs?
My conclusions:
- Corporate blogs encourage collaboration and communication of ideas throughout the corporation
- Corporate blogs create a social network amongst ALL employees
- Corporate blog provide an informal space for employees to exchange ideas and take pride in their thoughts
- Corporate blogs stimulate thought-leadership
- Corporate blogs are an effective mechanism for keeping employees updated with news, projects, strategies, and ideas
So what do YOU think? Do you agree with my conclusions? I encourage ALL to communicate their ideas...let me know what you think!